A je to tu. Dočkali sme sa. Už od minulého roku sme trpezlivo čakali na tento model SKYLINE. Bohužiaľ snažili sme sa tento model doviesť skôr, ale výrobca nereaguje na naše správy. Museli sme si model zohnať s miernym oneskorením. Ale podarilo sa. Dámy a Páni privítajte NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R verziu R34 vo farbách ADVAN. Už len tieto fakty akým sú meno NISSAN a ADVAN robia z tohto modelu pre nás niečo výnimočné. Ale je to naozaj tak?

And it’s here. We’ve had it. We have been patiently waiting for this SKYLINE model since last year. Unfortunately, we tried to introduce this model earlier, but the manufacturer does not respond to our reports. We had to get the model with a slight delay. But it worked. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R version R34 in ADVAN colors. Only these facts such as the name NISSAN and ADVAN make this model something special for us. But is it really so?

Či už to bolo spôsobené prepravou nevieme, ale krabica k nám prišla s poškodenou fóliou a celý model bol veľmi znečistený. Trvalo nám dlho model očistiť a priviesť ho do stavu aby bol vhodný na fotografovanie. Po povinnej očisťovacej procedúre prišla na rad jednoduchá modelárska práca. Výrobca pribalil dvojicu spätných zrkadiel, aby sa pri preprave nepoškodili. Každý majiteľ tohto modelu si ich musí nalepiť sám. Toto berieme ako správnu vec. Treba niekedy predvídať. Balenie naviac obsahovalo i jemný plastový nástroj uľahčujúci otváranie dverí.

We do not know whether it was caused by transport, but the box came to us with a damaged foil and the whole model was very dirty. It took us a long time to clean the model and bring it to a condition so that it is suitable for photography. After the obligatory cleaning procedure, a simple modeling work came into play. The manufacturer has packed a pair of rear-view mirrors so that they are not damaged during transport. Each owner of this model must stick them on himself. We take this as the right thing to do. It needs to be predicted sometimes. The package also included a fine plastic tool to make it easier to open the door.

Prvotný pohľad ukázal všetky plusy no bohužiaľ i mínusy. Ako sme už naznačili sfarbenie modelu vo farbách ADVAN je pre nás veľmi lákavé. Výrobca dobre navrhol všetky detaily vrátane farebnej úpravy. Samotná čierna farba v sebe ukrývala i niečo naviac. Množstvo zalakovaných nečistôt na veľkých plochách ako je strecha či kapota jednoducho nešlo prehliadnuť. Naopak nálepky sme vyhodnotili dobre, sú zreteľné a dobre osadené na správnych miestach. Línie karosérie sa podarilo SOLIDO tiež dobre odhadnúť. Ocenili sme predovšetkým presnosť dosadnutia dverí. Malá drobnosť sa nám stala keď sme model fotili. Vypadli nám obe svetla do hmly. Troška lepidla a všetko zasa bolo na svojom mieste. Keď sme u lepidla. To je tiež jeden z nedostatkov ktoré sme na modely objavili, hlavne okolo čelného okna.

The first glance showed all the pros and cons. As we have already indicated, the color of the model in ADVAN colors is very attractive for us. The manufacturer has well designed all the details, including the color scheme. The black color itself hid something extra. The amount of painted dirt on large areas such as the roof or hood simply could not be overlooked. On the contrary, we evaluated the stickers well, they are clear and well placed in the right places. SOLIDO body lines have also been well estimated. We especially appreciated the accuracy of the door seating. A small detail happened to us when we photographed the model. Both lights fell into the fog. A little glue and everything was in place again. When we’re at glue. This is also one of the shortcomings we found on the models, especially around the windshield.

Pohľad do interiéru je skvelý. Tu sa nedá veľa vecí vytknúť. Množstvo dobre navrhnutých detailov vrátane prístrojovej palubnej dosky výrobca navrhol dobre. Pre nás bol veľmi zaujímavý detail na dverách jazdca. Kde si SOLIDO dobre poradilo s ovládacími prvkami dverí. Taktiež pedále pod palubnou doskou na nás pôsobili realisticky. Ak by sme mali menovať všetky detaily interiéru vyšlo by to azda na ďalší článok, ale musíme pokračovať ďalej.

The view into the interior is great. There are not many things to blame here. A number of well-designed details, including the instrument panel, have been well designed by the manufacturer. For us, the detail on the rider’s door was very interesting. Where SOLIDO has handled door controls well. The pedals under the dashboard also looked realistic to us. If we were to name all the details of the interior, it would perhaps come out in the next article, but we must continue.

Podvozok modelu je osadený krásnou štvoricou diskov v zlatej metalickej farbe. Dokonale vyzerajúce brzdové strmene a kotúče nás presvedčili o dobrej práce dizajnérov SOLIDO. Predné kolesá je možné natočiť do strany. Volant je spojený s riadiacim prvkom nápravy a tiež sa otáča podľa natočenia kolies. Prvky na samotnom podvozku hodnotíme ako priemerne ale to len kvôli množstvu. Osadením hlavných súčastí podvozku si SOLIDO trošku napravilo reputáciu, ale ak by sa v budúcnosti viac zamerali i na detaily, ktoré nie je hneď vidieť urobili by iba krok správnym smerom.

The chassis of the model is fitted with a beautiful four discs in gold metallic color. Perfect-looking brake calipers and discs have convinced us of the good work of SOLIDO designers. The front wheels are steered. The steering wheel is connected to the axle control and also rotates according to the rotation of the wheels. We evaluate the elements on the chassis itself as average, but only because of the quantity. By fitting the main parts of the chassis, SOLIDO has repaired its reputation a bit, but if they focused more on details in the future that are not immediately visible, they would only take a step in the right direction.

Celkový dojem z NISSAN SKYLINE je zmiešaný. Veľmi sme chceli byť z tohto modelu nadšený do takej miery, že by sme ho mali i na nočnom stolíku. Ale fakt je ten, že pôsobí na nás priemerne. Vieme, že SOLIDO vie robiť lepšie modely. Bohužiaľ SKYLINE to isto nebude. Nie je chybou model samotný, ale to ako je urobený. Drobné chyby lakovania, ktoré nás sprevádzali celú dobu recenzie a množstvo nečistôt nás naozaj mrzelo ako i vypadávajúce diely.

The overall impression of the NISSAN SKYLINE is mixed. We really wanted to be so excited about this model that we would have it on the bedside table. But the fact is, it affects us average. We know that SOLIDO can make better models. Unfortunately, SKYLINE will certainly not be the same. It is not the fault of the model itself, but how it is made. The small painting errors that accompanied us throughout the review and the amount of dirt really regretted us as well as falling parts.

Predlohou modelu je už piata generácia NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (R34) V-Spec II Nür ktorá sa na trh dostala v roku 2002. Ide v podstate o generáciu 5.5. Nakoľko pôvodná piata generácia nastúpila už v roku 1999. Okamžite zaujal srdcia nielen nadšencov street fighterov a tuningových nadšencov ale aj pretekárov. Športové srdce Skyline s výkonom 330 koní bolo predurčené na závodné okruhy, kde sa veľmi rýchlo udomácnil.

The model for the model is the fifth generation NISSAN SKYLINE GT-R (R34) V-Spec II Nür, which was launched in 2002. It is basically the 5.5 generation. As the original fifth generation started in 1999. It immediately attracted the hearts not only of enthusiasts of street fighters and tuning enthusiasts but also of racers. The sports heart of the Skyline with an output of 330 horses was destined for racing circuits, where it quickly became established.

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